Monday, April 20, 2009

Painting, Art, Nature...

I've taken a bit of a break from my reading list. I've read a couple mystery novels this past month, not on the list - and truthfully - I don't remember their names or what the stories were about. I've been checking out several books on watercolor painting and started a watercolor class at the local art center. It's been wonderful to be involved with color and to create art. The class is great - the instructor gives us instruction on exercises to do - then we get to sit in class about an hour with our own paints and play.

I've been getting out and hiking - many trails around my house are so easily accessible. I honestly think walking/hiking is my favorite thing to do in the world. There's a beautiful trail that just goes along the river for a couple miles - it's so beautiful and very peaceful.

I planted marigolds and yellow summer squash in my garden - and many seasonal annual & perennial flowers in the flower garden. I'm eagerly waiting for the seeds to sprout, the vegetables to grow, the flowers to bloom.

I've also had some home repair projects this month - new windows in my bedrooms. It's such a relief to have windows I can open in my house to let in the fresh air.

All these things seem to take me away from reading...I had checked out Heimlein's Stranger in a Strange Land, but had a difficult time getting into not - not because of the book itself, but rather the busyness I feel.

(Stranger in a Strange Land is a science fiction novel by Robert Heinlein. The novel tells the story of a human, Valentine Michael Smith, who is raised by Martians on Mars until his young adulthood, at which time he returns back to Earth. The plot revolves around Valentine's interaction with earth culture. In Lost - This novel shares its title with Season 3's episode 9, "Stranger in a Strange Land". Also, Jack's tattoo means "He walks among us, but he is not one of us." The novel's protagonist is in the same circumstances.)

I hope I have an opportunity to get back into the novel - but for now - I'm content to just watch Lost on Wednesday nights. This season only had four episodes to's been exciting. I can't wait to see where this season ends. I'm such an addict.

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